On źyl 49 lata.
  Ojciec : Ignacy ANTONIEWICZ 1827-1909   Ojciec : Paweł KANIEWSKI
  Matka : Józefa GRZEŚKOWIAK 1836-1883   Matka : Marianna MARCINKOWSKA
Żonaty Urodzenie : Żona
Franciszek ANTONIEWICZ Czwartek 25 Sierpień 1859 Małżeństwo Zofia KANIEWSKA
Gola , Gmina Jaraczewo - Polska Akt 4 - Franciszek 31 / Zofia 21
Wtorek 4 Luty 1890
Chrzest : USC Pogorzela - Polska
Sobota 27 Sierpień 1859 Celebrans : ?
Franciszek (Frank) Kosciól p.w. Sw. Marii Magdaleny - Jaraczewo - Polska Swiadków : Zofia KANIEWSKA
"Rolnik, Sygnalizator Kolejowy " Ojciec chrzestny : Józef ANTONIEWICZ, Wujek, Panienka Kmiec Franciszek FOLTYNOWICZ 1869-1918
Matka chrzestna : Julianna GABRYZIAK, Ciotka, Panienka Kmiec
Imigracaja Ameryka Dzieci
Frank & Sophie US naturalizacji Ur. w Gola Polska     Marianna 1891-1891
Środa, 7 Październik 1891 Wtorek, 6 Styczeń 1903 Ur. w Antigo WI       Frank Ignatz Dellies 1892-1938
od Bremen do Castle Garden (NY) Ur. w Antigo WI       Edward Bombinski 1894-1990
Zgon : Ur. w Antigo WI       Anastasia "† Religijny" 1896-1972
Niedziela 5 Styczeń 1908 Ur. w Antigo WI       Theodore Bauman 1897-1965
Antigo, Wisconsin - Ameryka Ur. w Antigo WI       Paulina Jankowski 1898-1971
Ur. w WI       Joseph Francis Ryerson 1900-1984
Grzebany : Ur. w WI       Clara Van Alstine 1903-1983
SS Weimar Styczeń 1908 Ur. w WI       Thomas Moore 1906-1980
Astralny Znak Queen of Peace (St. John's) Cmentarz Katolicki
Antigo,Wisconsin - Ameryka
Panna SS : Steam Ship Spis 1900 : Langlade Co - Antigo
The WEIMAR was a 4,996 gross ton ship, built for North German Lloyd of Bremen by Fairfield Co Ltd, Glasgow in 1891.
Her details were - length 415ft x beam 48ft, one funnel, two masts, steel construction, single screw and a speed of 13 knots.
There was accommodation for 49-1st, 38-2nd and 1,907-3rd class passengers. Launched on 9/2/1891, she started her maiden Bremen - Baltimore voyage on 21/5/1891.
On 17/12/1891 she commenced her first Bremen - New York - Baltimore sailing and on 2/6/1897 started her first Bremen - Suez - Australia voyage.
On 7/2/1900 she commenced the first of two round voyages between Bremen, Suez and the Far East and on 25/2/1903 started Naples - New York sailings.
On 23/9/1905 she started on the Bremen - South America service. Her last Naples - New York voyage started 11/5/1906 (8 round voyages),
last Bremen - Australia on 13/6/1906 (9 round voyages), and last Bremen - Baltimore on 11/5/1907 (57 round voyages on the North Atlantic).
In 1908 she was sold to the Italian owned Lloyd del Pacifico and was renamed SANTIAGO, and in 1909 she went to Chilean owners and was renamed ARMONIA.
In 1917 she became Canadian owned and was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine near Porquerolles Island in the Mediterranean on 15/3/1918.
"The Ships List.com"
Rodzice Zofia : Małżeństwo, POGORZELA Akt 3, 11 Maj 1857 - Paweł KANIEWSKI 29 (Urodzony Pogorzela 14 Styczeń 1828) / Marianna MARCINKOWSKA 19 (Urodzony Pogorzela 30 Lipiec 1838).
Zofia KANIEWSKA, Urodzenie, POGORZELA, 13 Maj 1869
Paweł KANIEWSKI Syn Jabub & Marianna KOPYDŁOS(ZCZĄ)KA KOPYDŁOWSKA. Małżeństwo Pogorzela, Akt 5 - 28 Wrzesień 1823
Kosciól Św. Marii Magdaleny, Jaraczewo Kościól Św. Michala Archanioła Pogorzela Grób Frank i Sophie w Antigo
Bardzo prawdopodobne, rodzinny Frank Antoniewicz rodzinny. 1912/1913. Frank zmarł w 1908 roku.
Dzieci w tle, od lewej do prawej: Theodore, Paulina, Frank, Edward, Anastasia.
Przód: Thomas, Clara, Joseph.
Środkowy : Matka, Zofia (Sophie) KANIEWSKA ANTONIEWICZ
Antigo is a city in and the county seat of Langlade County, Wisconsin, United States.
The population was 8,234 at the 2010 census. Antigo is the center of a farming and lumbering district,
and its manufactures consist principally of lumber, chairs, furniture, sashes, doors and blinds, hubs and spokes,
and other wood products.
The name "Antigo" comes from the Chippewa Indian name for the river that flows through the area,
"Nequi-Antigo-sebi" meaning "spring river" or "evergreen."
The city was founded in 1876 by Francis A. Deleglise, accompanied by George Eckart.
The log cabin in which Deleglise lived is preserved and on display at
the Langlade County Historical Society Museum.
A street in Antigo also bears his name.
The city gained its charter in 1883. In the early part of the 1900s, Antigo was best known for its sawmills.
At the turn of the millennium, the city's economy had a balance of industry and agriculture.
High on the list are potatoes, dairy products, fur, shoes, fertilizer, steel, and aluminum products,
along with the lumber and wood product industries established in the earlier years.

Francis Augustine DELEGLISE
(February 10, 1835 - March 25, 1894) was an American politician. surveyor, and businessman.
Born in Bagnes, Valais, Switzerland, Deleglise emigrated to the United States in 1848 and settled in Wisconsin.
Deleglise lived in Dodge, Manitowoc Counties, Wisconsin, and in Appleton, Wisconsin.
During the American Civil War, Deleglise served in the 6th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiment and was badly wounded.
In 1877, he settled in the present city of Antigo, Wisconsin which he platted and started.
Deleglise was involved in the real estate business and was a surveyor.
He was a Democrat and then after the American Civil War became a Republican. Deleglise served as chairman of the Antigo Town Board.
He also served on the Langlade County, Wisconsin Board of Supervisors and was chairman of the county board.
Deleglise served as the Langlade County treasurer and served on the school board.
In 1893, Deleglise served in the Wisconsin State Assembly.
He died in Antigo, Wisconsin while still in the Wisconsin Assembly.
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
    Środa 4 Grudzień 2024     Imieniny obchodzą : Barbara, Bernard, Krystian